As one of the oldest continuously-practiced medical systems in the world, acupuncture is a powerful tool unlocking the body's natural ability to heal itself. We use hair-thin single-use needles to gently stimulate points on the body that correspond with diverse conditions ranging from pain relief, to reproductive health, digestion, sleep, anxiety relief, and more. Initial sessions last 60 minutes and follow-up sessions last 45 minutes.
Cupping & E-stim
Sessions may also include cupping or electroacupuncture (e-stim). During cupping, glass or plastic cups are applied to the body to increase circulation, relieve pain, and ease respiratory congestion.
For certain acute and chronic pain conditions, we may consider using e-stim, during which electricity is used to stimulate the points and increase their effectiveness.
Bodywork, Functional Movement & Breathwork
Aaron is trained in traditional Chinese medical massage, Pilates instruction, and mindful breathing instruction. Sessions frequently will include one or all of these modalities to complement the work we're doing with acupuncture and maximize results.
About Aaron
Aaron is a Pennsylvania and New York State Licensed Acupuncturist and received his Master’s of Science in Acupuncture from Pacific College of Health and Science. He continues to be amazed by how effective acupuncture is at calming the nervous system and breaking cycles of stress, imbalance, pain, and discomfort.
A certified Pilates instructor and self-described "anatomy nerd," Aaron’s approach to treatment integrates his understanding of both Western physiology and traditional Chinese medical theory. In addition to treatment with acupuncture, sessions may include Chinese medical massage, cupping, moxibustion, and instruction in functional movement and mindful breathwork.
Aaron's compassionate, caring energy comes through in every treatment, and each session with him is rooted in a holistic view of the body and mind. He understands acupuncture as a somatic experience as much as it is a therapeutic treatment. In other words, acupuncture is not just something that happens to you, but an interactive experience that helps unlock your body's natural ability to heal itself.
When Aaron isn’t working with his patients, he enjoys riding his bike, traveling, cooking, and meditating.